Project details
Team size: 11
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Time span: 7 weeks
My role: System/ gameplay designer and Product Owner
Short description
BloodBound is a puzzle platformer focusing on story. You play as 2 twins, bound by a red thread in a deep ocean. As you play you will discover the overarching story and discover the meaning of the red thread and other anomalies you might come across.
Game link
Here is a link to the games page where you can play the game:
Rope/ thread
Functions of the rope:
Limited range players can move away from each other.
Swing other player from rope.
Slightly adjustable length
Can't interact with environment (no collision)
These functions are meant to act as restrictions but also as mechanics that can be used by players. This is the reason for adding the swinging mechanic. By using this, players can overcome the restrictions of the rope and instead realize the advantages of it.
Camera and camera events
I was tasked with placing a path for the camera to follow and zoom events where needed.
Camera design:
Always keep players in view
Hint towards directions
Help show puzzles core parts
Zoom out to show larger areas
Zoom for dramatic effect
Level mechanics
One of my biggest tasks as a gameplay designer was to create different interesting level mechanics. This could be anything from a jump pad to buttons and levers.
Water stream
The water stream will launch players in a direction when inside. This creates many funny moments and allows level design to be larger.
The bubbles spawn from a spawner that can be disabled or enabled. When players come in contact with a bubble, they will be put inside. This allows level design to be more vertical and enables possibilities with button puzzles.
Jelly fish
The jelly fish works like a moving platform. It will slowly move between different points, determined by level designers. It's also bouncy and can be stationary. Allowing for trampolines and satisfying moments.
Camera distortion effect
One problem we had when making Bloodbound was giving the feeling of being deep below water.To help sell the feeling, I created a distortion effect. This effect makes everything on screen sway slightly. Giving the effect of water.
The Product Owner role
In the beginning of this project, I was picked as Product Owner. This was my first time testing out the role.As PO I was responsible for maintaining the game's vision, conducting presentations for industry professionals and other management tasks such as updating Jira and Miro boards.The hardest part of being PO was having time for my other responsibilities. As the only system and gameplay designer on the team, I had many tasks beyond my PO role. This meant that I had less time to spend on each role.To limit this problem as much as possible, we decided to have a representative from each team; art, design and programming. This meant I didn’t need to attend every meeting. Team members could contact the relevant representative for smaller issues, giving me more time for system and gameplay design.

Other tasks
I had many different smaller task during the project as well. These were, but not limited to:
Creating a trailer (at the top of the page)
Placing ground colliders in all levels
Checkups with teachers
Keeping morale high
General playtesting
Helping team members with problems, team dynamic issues or other project related issues.
Hosting meetings
Holding retrospectives
Researching mechanics and quality of life features
Conveying the game's vision to the team
Creating prototypes for mechanics in blueprint